Monday, August 24, 2015

36 Week Pregnancy Update

Forgive the bathroom selfies, but I really don't have any other pictures besides the ones I take every week to measure the bump. It's sad, but I swear life has just been so crazy lately that we haven't taken ANY pictures. This definitely needs to change and i'm sure it will once the baby gets here. 

Week: 36 WEEKS! (The FINAL countdown!) Today at my appointment we confirmed that I will be getting induced one week early due to the blood clot. The doctor said that we are right on track for that date. Which means that we are having a baby in 3 WEEKS! Is this real life? 

Size of Baby:  This week baby DeHart is the size of a Large Cantaloupe! (19-22 inches, approximately 6 pounds) This boy sure is packing on those pounds because these movements have definitely increased in intensity in the past few weeks. 

Developments in Baby This Week: Most all of his systems are fully developed! HE'S ALMOST READY! 

Weight Gain: I have gained 27 pounds overall. My belly button is not so much an innie any longer but rather a well defined outie.

Movement: Like you wouldn't believe. I swear he never sleeps. Taylor and I will just stare at my belly for hours on end, watching his  giant rolls and bumps. Some of them have gotten so powerful that at times they even take my breath away, literally. If this little boy is as active as he is in the womb, we might be in trouble. The busy boy thing was definitely passed down from his father. I hear Taylor was quite the rascal as a child. ;) 
HICUPPS! I felt Everett hiccup for the first time on the 19th! Tay and I were laying in bed and I kept feeling this consistent  movement. I hadn't thought anything of it, but after it continued regularly every few seconds I knew that these were hiccups! Everyone had told me about feeling your baby hiccup when you are pregnant, but it hadn't happened yet so I figured I might not experience it. But i'm so glad I did because they were the CUTEST things ever!

Symptoms: Thankfully, I have not had any other complications with the blood clot. I'm still on my blood thinners twice a day. Being uncomfortable I think has been the biggest symptom recently. I'm just ready for this little boy to get here! 

Random: I need to start packing our hospital bag but i'm not sure exactly what we need to pack. I've heard and read so many different lists of what to bring so any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! 

One of the weirdest thoughts is thinking about what OUR child is going to look like. I dream about it almost every night. Will he be born with hair? Dark? Light? Will he get his dad's ears? Or his mom's nose? I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE! So here are some pictures of Taylor and I as babies just to start brainstorming about what this little boy might look like! 

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