Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Day on the Lake

This weekend we went up to Huntsville to celebrate birthdays, enjoy soccer games, and have a day on the lake. It was the first time since we've all been together since Christmas. Friday night we attended our nephews ninja turtle birthday... pretty awesome. Garret and Grant are such cute kids. The next morning we went to Garett's soccer game. Soccer at that age is so hilarious to watch. They are on the ground more than they are on their feet. Garett is such a funny kid, he is just fearless. He just shoves all the kids out of the way all in effort to get possession of that ball. It was absolutely freezing outside about 40 degrees so I was a little worried about boating. But, it warmed right up and turned into a perfect day in the sun. 
Leaving the lake with sand down your swimsuit, sore muscles, and burnt skin is a sure sign your doing things right. We knee-boarded, tubed, paddle-boarded, played volleyball and built sand castles. A day boating is always a good day. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Together We Have it All

I love the quote, "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." 

Every family is different in their own unique ways, each with their own difficulties and trials. But the beauty about these trials is that we have each other to lean on for strength to get through them together. I don't know where I would be without this amazing family I am blessed with. There constant examples give me strength and hope each day.  I am grateful for each individual, their personalities and the relationship I have with them. There is not a group of people I can laugh harder with or love more. 

Lake Powell

We try every year to go down to Lake Powell with my mom's side of the family. It just keeps on growing and growing so with each year we party even harder. With many more this year we brought in the calvary. 2 boats, 2 houseboats, 4 jet skis, 2 paddle boards, 8 kayaks , 36 people, and a heck of a good time.



Below was the fastest anchoring of a houseboat that has ever occurred. I swear it took about 3 seconds. You gotta do what you gotta do in the middle of a storm! 

It was such a fun and relaxing getaway. Powell is by far one of my favorite places. Before going home, we stayed in Paige one more day to go to horse shoe bend and visit a few hole in the wall local dives. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

I Love to See the Temple

The Ogden Temple open house was absolutely breath taking. Before they dedicate it I recommend trying to go. We went through as a family (only half the family, we missed the other half) which I thought was such a great experience. One of our nephews the whole time just kept shouting, "Where are all the dead people?!" Probably referring to the video we saw beforehand talking about the ordinances preformed for those that have passed on and not had the opportunity to hear the gospel...He I don't think really understood. ha. We couldn't stop laughing.
It  was such a beautiful time together to walk through the Lord's house. Taylor's dad helped with the the new building and remodeling of it so we tried to hang back with him and get all the details and stories about going through the building process. We are so very blessed to have so many of the Lord's houses surrounding us everywhere we go. I have such a strong testimony of temples and the work that is preformed inside of them. I have peace of mind knowing I am sealed to my sweetheart for time and all eternity because of those ordinances. I know that families are forever. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


I can't believe that it's been 1 year since I married my hunk of a husband. It has by far been the best year of my life. Yes, there has been many learning oppourtunities but we've been in it together- which makes it all the better. Taylor is the best thing in my life, I feel so blessed to have him there as my anchor and my best friend. I can't even explain my love for him. 
For our anniversary we were able to go on a little get-away trip up to Snowbird. It was the most perfect mix of relaxing and fun. We explored all the exiting things there are to do up there hand in hand. Watch below for the details... 


Before we went up, I had made up a little questionnaire about our first year of marriage to fill out. The first night we filled it out and then read each other the answers, switching off between questions. It was hilarious and endearing to hear all the answers. I highly recommend doing this for your anniversary it brings back so many fun memories.  We plan of making it a anniversary tradition!   

1. What was your favorite memory of your wedding day? 
Being surrounded by all the people that I love most in my life, especially Katelyn. Also, just living in the moment, not worrying about anything but what was right in front of me ( my beautiful bride) 
2. What is something you learned about your spouse this year?
Katelyn HATES being lost and not knowing EXACTLY where we are and what the plan is! She also eats fish almost every time we go out to dinner. 
3. What was the funniest moment of the past year? 
Bed time is always hilarious. She tickles me, I laugh, I think she is done, she's not. I tell jher to stop. She doesn't. Then it turns into a 30 min wrestle match which has led to growling like a cougar at times
4. What was the scariest moment in the past year? 
The night the furnace kicked on and the vent on it hadn't been attached properly so it fell off at 2am and scared the living daylights out of us. 
5. What is one thing you always agree on? 
Red Lobster is for old people!!
The gospel 
6. What was something your spouse did that was thoughtful this year? 
She bought me garments and then laid them out on the floor until I hit the jackpot where she was standing! 
7. What do you love most about being married? 
Always having my best friend to turn to no matter what. Pillow talk. During the day, no matter what she is always there for me! 
8. What is a habit your spouse has that drives you crazy? 
Saying SORRY when she has do new nothing wrong. 
9. What is something new you love about your spouse? 
She is constantly helping me believe in myself. She is always positive and she loves so deeply for those around her and wants to serve them. 
10. What is a new tradition you started is year? 
1) Bring her a pumpkin steamer home from work in the fall
2) Netflix every night before we go to bed. 
3) getting hot chocolate and going to the night ski lift at sun dance in October. 
11. What major accomplishment did your spouse have this year? 
Started college up again and totally dominated geology with an A and her English paper was sweet! 
12. What is one thing that brought you closer this year? 
Learning how to communicate with each other! Getting on the same page. 
13. What is your favorite thing to do together? 
Snuggle, hike, ski, swim, travel. I could go on forever 


1. What was your favorite memory if your wedding day?
I loved being in the temple and hearing the sealing itself, the fact that we were being sealed together forever. It was amazing being surrounded by everyone we know and love. It was the happiest day of my life.
2. What is something you learned about your spouse this year?
He LOVES tubs, and when I say loves- that's an understatement. That's how he wakes up ( reading in the tub), And that's how he wines down. When I wake up at 2 am and I can't find him- I find him there. In the tub.
3. What was the funniest moment from the last year?
We laugh all the time. One morning Taylor was trying to pull me back into bed, (he does that a lot) and apparently I really wanted to get up and get going for the day. So he jumped out of bed and picked me up from behind. I screamed NO and with all my force pushed off the bed which sent us slamming into the blinds and onto the floor. It was hysterical.
4. What is the scariest moment from the past year?
I was in he kitchen cooking dinner and Tay was outside on the grill. When suddenly I hear an explosion of fire and ran outside with Taylor standing there a little in shock. All he said was , "are my eyebrows gone?" It was a scary moment at the time because I thought he was hurt, but also a bit funny as his arm airs singed away. I hesitate now when he lights the grill.
5. What is something you always agree on?
Treats- we love treats. There is never a moment where we disagree over sugar, chocolate or a cream cheese brownie.
6. What is something your spouse did that was thoughtful this year?
He is constantly making sure I am happy and well taken care of. From opening my door EVERY TIME we get in the car to surprise helicopter rides.
7. What do you love about being married?
I love always coming home to my anchor. He always makes everything better. Snuggles. I love it all.
8. What is a habit your spouse has that drives you crazy?
The SNOOZE BUTTON! I was never a snoozer before we got married- but in the morning it's so nice to snuggle. But Taylor does love sleeping in about an hour after the alarm. Now I have to set the alarm 1 hour early. He picks at his nails and I'm like babe we have clippers.
9. What is something new you love about your spouse?
I love how driven he is. He is constantly combing up with new business ideas and new ways to help friends and family.
10. What new tradition did you start this year?
The Sundance Halloween chair lift.
Watch Netflix every night.
11. What major accomplishment did your spouse have his year?
Well, he was the Easter bunny. No, just kidding. Buy really.
He got into the finance program at BYU and only has 1 1/2 years till graduation.
12. What is one thing that brought you closer this year?
Temple attendance. We love going to the temple and remembering out covenants and receiving insight as a couple. Also outdoor activities biking, running, hiking and gym.
13. What is your favorite thing to do together?
Snuggling, kissing, movies, outdoors... We always have fun no matter what!