Sunday, September 27, 2015

Everett's Birth Story

Exactly two weeks ago we were driving to the hospital to have our little baby boy. That drive felt oddly like any other drive together. We had to keep reminding ourselves that we were driving to the hospital to have a BABY! That's one of the nice things about being induced- you have an actual date and set time to go in. Anyone who knows me will know how much I like schedules and plans. ;) 

I was 39 weeks pregnant to the day and needed to be induced because I was still on my blood thinners from my blood clot back at 32 weeks. We were admitted to the hospital, settled into our room and started the first dose of Cytotec all before 7pm. Taylor chose our last meal, which of course was Outback Steakhouse. That's my boy! I wan't opposed to a little salmon. My second dose of Cytotec was started at 10 and by 10:30 I was having more intense contractions. Not crazy painful, but enough to be pretty uncomfortable. The nurse said if I wanted to get any shut eye I should get the epidural that night. So at 11 the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. He told Taylor to go around to the other side of the bed and hold my hand. While he prepared everything I looked up at Taylor's face for comfort, but his face only left me with more worry! ha. His eyes were huge as he looked at what the anesthesiologist was about to do. At that point, I just had to close my eyes and hold on to Taylor's hand as hard as I could. It wasn't has painful as I thought it would be. 

After we were all hooked up on the epidural we tried to get some shut eye but in a hospital that's kind of hard to do. I couldn't stop thinking about what our little boy was going to be like. At 1 am the nurse gave me my last dose of Cytotec. I was still only dilated to a 1.5 at this point so we still had a little ways to go. At 5:30 the nurses started me on Pitocin. Within just 30 minutes of having the Pitocin in me, my contractions began to be a lot stronger. So they scaled down the dosage of Pitocin. 
With my epidural I was still able to move around pretty well and feel my legs. Of course, it took the edge off. Taylor tickled my toes at one point and jokingly said, "Can you feel that?" ha... yes sweetheart I can! So he kept coming over and pushing my epidural button for me. ha (shhhhh that's not allowed). At 7 am I felt an oddly weird feeling... my legs were wet all of the sudden. I called the nurse in and sure enough my water had broken! One step closer! I also was a 2 at this point. Both our mom's were there by 8 o' clock. We were so happy to have them there to be a part of this special experience! 

Within 3 1/2 hours I went from a 2 to a 10. At that point I could definitely feel the pressure of the contractions. Everett's head hadn't dropped yet so the nurses said that we might need to wait an hour to let him drop into place. But by the time the doctor came in to check where we were at, he said that we could start pushing. We both looked at each other in shock. We are already to the pushing part?! 

The nurses showed us how to do the pushing. In the very beginning I kept forgetting what to do. I would take my deep breath in and then just take a deep breath out. I needed to hold that breath in and push. ha. We finally got the breathing and the pushing down. At 11:24 am we saw our little babies head for the first time. At that point a huge wave of emotion hit. We were going to be parents and that was our little boy! Up till that moment it hadn't quite felt real, like we were actually having a baby. But here he was and he was coming! As we began getting closer and closer even Taylor and the two mom's began taking deep breaths with me. They were the best cheerleaders as I pushed. 

The doctor finally came in and with only a few more pushes babies head came right out and his body quickly followed. It seemed like the doctor almost had to catch him. The time was 11:49 am. Our eyes welled with tears as we looked at our little baby boy for the first time. 7 pounds 2 ounces and 20 inches of pure perfection. I watched Taylor's first dad moment as he went to cut the umbilical cord. Then it was my first mommy moment as they set our baby on my chest. His little whimpering cries were the cutest thing I had ever heard. His little fingers were flipping us off. ha... I know it was probably a pretty traumatic experience what he has just gone through, so we let that one fly. 

Skin to skin time I think was our absolute favorite. Just holding this new infant in our arms and knowing that Heavenly Father trusts us to be his parents was the most amazing feeling in the world. In that moment nothing else mattered. 

This is happiness. This is what life is all about. 

Welcome into the world our precious little Everett Jay DeHart. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Little Man is 10 Days Away

There are honestly no words to describe the emotions we feel right now. Is it possible that we get to meet baby E in just 11 short days? These past 2 weeks have felt like the longest of my life and flown by all at the same time. I don't know how that's possible but it is. We will see how these next 11 days go... I just want our little man here! At night, before bed, I seriously stare at my bare squirming belly and just try and imagine his little face, hands and feet. I can't wait to meet him. 

We have been quite busy these past few weeks. We have been working on getting our yard put in, in attempts to finish it before E gets here. And when I say we, I mean Taylor. My dad and brothers have also been a HUGE help. Looking at our small little lot you wouldn't think that a yard would take long. But sprinklers are a beast no matter how big your yard is. I have also been working on the last finishing touches in E's nursery. It' s our favorite room in our whole house. Probably because it's the only one that's decorated. ha. I have been doing a lot of little projects DIY style and it really has come together. (Pictures Coming!) Taylor has also started his last year at BYU! YAY! 

Also in the past week, I had another baby shower. My mom's side of the family threw it and let me just say that it was adorable. I feel more than blessed to have such supportive and loving family and friends. There are not enough thank you's to go around! This shower was mustache themed if you couldn't tell...
The most adorable mustache straws, and the most adorable mustache cake you ever did see. 

Okay... so  this might look disturbing without an explanation. This was the first game that we played at the shower, it's called, My Water Broke. Everyone takes an ice cube and whoever's is the first to melt yells out, "My Water Broke!" People had them in between their hands and in their mouths all in hopes to get their water to melt. Some of ours didn't melt all night! Stubborn little babies. 

Another hilarious game. This is the diaper smelling game. I'm sure there is a cuter and better name out there, but I don't know it. So the diaper smelling game it is. There is mashed up food or melted candy in each diaper and just from looking and smelling it you have to try and guess what you think it is. Many laughs were had and many faces were pulled during this game. I didn't do so well with my score. I only guessed the most obvious ones right. Reese's, M&M's, Kit-Kat...pathetic I know. ha. 

The soon to be Great- Grandmother, Grandmother, and Mother. I'm so grateful I have such wonderful examples to look up to! 

This game involved everyone drawing what they think baby E is going to look like, with a pencil on a plate on top of their head. Oh and Without picking up their pencil. hahaha another hilarious one. We had babies missing bodies and babies with four butt cheeks. So funny.