Thursday, June 4, 2015

Henry Cowell Redwoods

Since moving out to California we decided that we are going to explore everything and anything we can. So for memorial day weekend, we decided to start off with the Henry Cowell Redwoods. I couldn't believe that these towering trees were just 30 minutes away from us! Arn't they incredible?! On the drive there, Siri lead us through all these cute little towns in the mountains. One of which was having a parade and festival in the middle of the street. It was awfully cute! It reminded me of Taylor's hometown (Huntsville/ Eden Utah). 
When we got to the park window, to pay to get into the park, we both asked what the best trails to hike were. She told us one in particular. The Loop. We parked and begin looking for the trail head, titled the Loop. We quickly realized that beauty was everywhere. You could've taken any path and found something amazing. We had to quickly run ahead of all the crowds of tour buses to get some space to ourselves. But once we had space, we took out sweet time. There was so much to take in! 

Climbing through the trunks of the Redwoods... just shows you how big they are! 

I'll just leave this here, just to give you some perspective.

Because my birthday is on St. Patricks day I was determined to find a four leaf clover! I made us look, but that only lasted a few seconds. There were too many to look through! Also in our search, we got a little too close to some mysterious looking greenery. Taylor informed me that I might be standing  in the middle of Poison Ivy. But then again, he forgot the characteristics of Poison Ivy. haha. So we steered clear of that area altogether. 

This photo was at the beginning of our hike through the Redwoods. As you can tell, we didn't get far enough ahead of the tour groups... 

DANG. I love this boy. I would' t want to adventure with anyone else! 

This tree is over 2015 years old! It was labeled with major world events and what the size the tree was at those times, even back to Christ's birth. WOW! It was so amazing to look at those huge trees surrounding us and thinking that they were standing when Christ walked the earth! 

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